
We are constantly exposed to pollutants
in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Even clothes, cosmetics, lotions are loaded with dangerous
These harmful substances, in the long term, induce damage to the body. Because we cannot metabolize
or eliminate them naturally, they accumulate and eventually produce serious diseases of many different types, including, but
not limited to cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, MS and other autoimmune disorders, heart disease, arthritis,
chronic fatigue, and neuroligical conditions. We have an internal detoxification system. However, so many toxins accumulate
that our system becomes overloaded. Toxins are then stored in fat tissue, progressively leaking out and damaging our organs,
thus producing diseases and accelerated aging.
Nobody can live in a toxin-free environment any more. Therefore a regular detoxification is needed to help us with
and prevent chronic diseases.
Unexplained headaches and fatigue, indigestion, joint or muscle pain, lack of energy,
decreased memory, abnormal body odor, brittle nails and hair, tremors, acne, are just a few signs that a detoxification is
Of course, if someone has been exposed to harsh pollutants- pesticides, cleaning solvents...- or has
used a lot of alcohol or steroid hormones, detoxification is of prime importance to this person's health.

The Phtalates released from plastics, including plastic
wraps, bottles, styrofoam, in our foods and drinks, interfere with our hormones. They can cause infertility, fatigue,
depression, mood swings, hyperactivity, thyroiditis, low sex drive and energy, endometriosis, learning disability and much
more. When they accumulate in organs, they trigger hormone-related cancers: breast, prostate, thyroid, testicular.
In our modern
society we use a lot of plastics for different purposes such as to wrap or store food, but we found them also in water, baby
or other plastic bottes, styrofoam products, toys, medical devices (IV lines), cosmetics, and more. Unfortunately some
of these plastics seem to interfere with our hormones creating all kinds of potential health problems. Of particular
concern are the chemicals called phthalates, usually found in soft plastics and added
to PVC to increase softness, flexibility and durability. These chemicals contain a hormone-disrupting substance called
bisphenol A. This substance can leak into our foods or drinks, especially when exposed
to heat. In high amounts, it is likely to promote breast cancer - cells - as well as other cancer cells- proliferation.
The common organ targets of phthalates are the liver, kidneys, testes, thyroid, prostate, breasts, and the fetus is
also a target.
Studies performed since the 1980's on lab animals as well as some recent human data indicate
that exposure to phthalates are implicated in the following:
- liver, kidney,
breast, prostate, testicular, thyroid cancers
- reproductive toxicity-
especially testicular atrophy due to decreased testosterone production and depletion of zind in the testis. Male reproductive
development seems to be very sensitive to some phthalates. The phthalates dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and diethylhexyl phthalate
(DEHP) are particular involved in the reduced development of male sexual characteristics during in
vitro exposure, as well as a low sperm count and quality later in adultwood. In May 2005, researchers have finally
identified an association between pregnant women’s exposure to phthalates and their side effects on sexual development
in their male babies.
- developmental toxicities, includingvarious birth
defects and even fetal deaths, learning disabilities in children.
- allergies:
the result of studies done in 2006 indicates an increase in response to allergens after exposure to phthates.
early puberty : in 2000, Puerto Rican scientists reported on an association between
exposure to DEHP and premature breast development in young girls.
- Infertility:
men exposed to environmental levels of phthalates , in 2002/2003 studies, showed DNA damage in the sperm, reduced sperm quality.
More and more debates have been developed to ensure safer products especially for children who may be at higher
risk than adults. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2003 that more research on phthalates effects on
the fetus and infants be performed.
By disrupting our hormones, it is extremely likely that the ubiquitous contaminants
phthalates induce various health problems, including cancer and thus we should be very wise in our use of these products and
try to avoid as much exposure as we possibly can. PESTICIDES Found in some of our foods, pesticides also interfere with hormones and are carcinogenic.
METALS Cadmium, aluminum, mercury, antimony, lead and arsenic are some of them which are hidden toxins in
our foods because of industrial discharges in bodies of water and in the air we breathe because of vehicles exhaust and manufacturing
These metals cannot leave the body without external help. They are stored in the fat cells and become carcinogens.
Alumninum is well known for contributing to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and is present in cans, utensils,
baking powders, antacids, etc. Dentists still use mercury amalgams and mercury-based glues to cement crowns and fillings.
Mercury is a dangerous poison to our nervous system. It causes, for example, chronic fatigue, hearing loss, depression, multiple
sclerosis, anxiety, insomnia, neuropathy and fibromyalgia.
Toxins can also be produced by some bacteria and yeast in
the digestive tract. These toxins have been shown to be involved in serious chronic diseases, such as cancer, asthma, psoriasis,
ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, allergies and autoimmune diseases- rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, diabetes, myasthenia
Besides pollutants, other causes of
diseases are large parasites and other hidden pathogens. Dr. H Clark's research has uncovered the involvement of
worms such as the fluke, in many medical conditions from cancer to Alzheimer' and Crohn's diseases, diabetes and endometriosis.
The worms are actually able to develop because they strive on the pollutants in our body. These substances facilitate the
worms' life cycle, making them fully pathogenic. Bacteria from hidden sources often cause pain in other parts of the body.
For example, foot pain may be linked to bacteria in teeth cavitations or even in bottled water.

SERVICES include (offered in combination with a general healing
session such as Reiki or Angel Reiki) - herbal cleanse recommendations -
ionic detox footspa
- ozone therapy - biomagnetic pulser therapy - lymphatic drainage THE IONIC DETOX FOOTSPA

This system is a professional total body detoxification device which provides a unique method for eliminating
unhealty toxins from the body. The device creates a surge of ions through the body that neutralizes the toxins. The body discards
the toxins through the approximate 2000 pores located on the sole of the feet. The ionic detox machine can also rebalance
the meridians. People who have used this system report the following positive effects:
- increased energy - better sleep - relief of pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis - improved
immune functions (fight infections better) - increased blood circulation - reduced water retention - allergies
relief - improved organ functions - better looking skin - positive effect on weight loss
Your session: During your session, your feet
are placed in a warm footbath with the ionic element for 30 minutes. You will start to quickly notice that toxic wastes from
your body collect in the water. You will feel lighter and rejuvenated even after your first session. Please look at the table
for the meaning of the colors possibly found in the water:

Contrindications: people with pacemakers, organ transplants, on blood thinners, pregnant or nursing women, children
under the age of four, epileptics and hemophiliacs should not use this device.
Infrared light is part of the sun light spectrum which wavelenghts fall just above the visible light. We experience
its energy as gently, radiant heat. Therefore far infrared therapy is light therapy as well as gentle heat therapy. Besides
general detoxification, it can assists you with:
- joint
stiffness - arthritis - healing and tissue regeneration - metabolism and weight loss - new hair growth - immune functions - sleep, mood and blood pressure normalization RIFE MACHINE, BIOMAGNETIC PULSER
The Rife machine is a frequency generator. This
device and the pulser are used to destroy pathogens, parasites and reduce tumors. The pulser is also great to reduce pain
and accelerate bone healingLYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE
Please look in the spa section for description This is the perfect massage to detoxify, decrease edema/swelling,
treat celulite